Since 1940 people in the western world started to gain weight and the rate of weight gain in various countries continues to rise. There was a significant change to the nutrition recommendations at that time. Low fate, high carbohydrate and seed oils including margarine were promoted. Meat and veg became …fruit and veg. Saturated fat was “the enemy”.
So we now have to revisit nutritional and other lifestyle factors.
The articles in this section of the website are designed to assist you to achieve your weight maintenance goals.
Read more articles here :
- Your waist circomference matters: Having a tape measure is a key to good health
- Protein rich breakfast and a healthy brain. Eating breakfast and having high proten leads to …
- How to eat well when you are on the go. So often changng you routine when you go away …
- Low Carb High Fat Ketogenic diet….. a lifestyle change to enhance health and attain and sustain your ideal weight