
Here is my experience with twice daily meditation.

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, about 18 months ago and it was recommended that I try meditation. I found it difficult to find a local meditation training group as I live a long way from Melbourne. Eventually I read some information showing the benefits of doing Transcendental Meditation. I was very keen to pursue this form of meditation. However, there was no local group & when I rang the Melbourne centre I just could not afford the fee as I have been on Disability pension for about a year now.

However, I did a bit of a “google” search & came up with “Conscious Mental Rest (”. ( is a meditation derived from Transcendental Meditation. The innovator of it has, from his own 30 years of using TM, found a method that does not require the use of a mantra.

I have been using this method twice a day for about 15 minutes each session, for over 5 months now. The benefits were evident within a matter of days – I definitely felt a greater sense of “well being”. Within weeks I had a much greater sense of “acceptance” which even included the Fibromyalgia. I have not fallen into any of the desperate “funks” of frustration that had occurred every few months formerly. Situations that may become an escalating problem for me just seem to evaporate into happy resolution. Plus there is a lot more laughter to be heard in the home! I am glad I discovered “meditation”.

Pru, Albury NSW

Here is another inspiring story

I have just completed a six-week meditation course. I still haven’t seen the light with meditation, I’m sticking with it waiting for the day when I will. I have meditated every day and will continues.
I consider this course has been mostly beneficial because it has made me realise that I can take control of my life-my mind and not staying a victim to my fibromyalgia and sleeping problems and stress.
I am doing something for myself and that only I can do. I’ve learned the importance of investing my own well-being.
Enough said, hopefully meditation will start to come naturally soon. I’m going to give it a good go.

Lynn, Nanny Brighton