
What is the Feldenkrais Method®?

The Feldenkrais Method uses exploratory learning to help clients improve functional activity. It is practiced by thousands of registered Feldenkrais Practitioners across the world.

How does the Feldenkrais Method help people with persistent/Chronic Pain?

  • Increased understanding of oneself, including how pain is affecting one’s life
  • Improved ease of movement and comfort in performing daily activities
  • Learn new ways of moving to allow increased options for a fuller life

In a published Australian study of people experiencing persistent pain (Connors, Pile and Nicholls, 2010), it was shown that after a small number of individual sessions in the Feldenkrais Method the participants had a decrease in pain, improvement in physical functioning and improved wellbeing.

The Feldenkrais Method has at its core a unique system of movement education. Feldenkrais Practitioners use two modes of practice:

Classes called “Awareness Through Movement®” lessons (ATM) – a Feldenkrais practitioner guides the participants through a planned sequence of movement explorations. Attention is drawn to the process of each movement pattern. Through observing their movements, participants learn easier ways of moving in everyday activities. Exploration of movement in these classes is designed to improve overall wellbeing.

Individual lessons called “Functional Integration®” (FI) – is a hands-on process which addresses particular individual problems. Fl lessons are tailored to each client’s needs. The Feldenkrais practitioner guides movements through precise touch. The client lies or sits, comfortably clothed, on a low padded table. The practitioner brings present habits into focus and offers new movement options. The learning is then applied to everyday activities such as reaching, sitting, standing and walking.

This approach recognises the complexity of persistent pain and how it impacts in a very personal way on people’s lives.

To assist with management of persistent pain you can locate a Feldenkrais Practitioner or Awareness Through Movement® class in your area:

Telephone FREECALL 1800 001 550 or see a list of Feldenkrais Practitioners in your State

Info sheets: Link to The Feldenkrais Method in the Management of Chronic Pain, handout

Link to The Feldenkrais Method Helps People with Persistent Pain, handout

See video: Link to Video section

Further information on Chronic Pain:

Full document: Link to The Feldenkrais Method in the Management of Chronic Pain

Video – from Hunter Integrated Pain Service and GP Access an animation that explains chronic pain called “Understanding Pain: What to do about it in less than five minutes?

Book – Explain Pain by David Butler and Lorimer Moseley: obtainable from Neuro Orthopaedic Institute Australia/Noi Publications

Television program – Catalyst-Body Identity:

Television program – ABC 7.30 Report March 11 (day of the Pain Summit): interview with Chair Pain Summit Prof Michael Cousins

The National Pain Strategy – Appendix 1 The Science of Pain, describes What is Pain?