Insufficient sleep leads to
- A reduced ability to adhere to good food choices.
- Poor food choices and an increased amount of calories ingested as well as a decrease in the amount of calories expended resulting in weight gain.
- Insulin residence, Pre diabetes and an abnormal glucose tolerance test.
- Increased risk of diabetes
- The cells of the body become insensitive to the signal of insulin. This results in a high blood glucose level.
- Lack of sleep alters intracellular functioning.
- Hypogonadism and low testosterone
- Changes in behaviour and decision making e.g. driving and food choices.
- A lower performance on complex cognitive issues.
- Can lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia
- An impaired ability to drive( accidents) .
- A reduced reaction time and an increased risk of motor vehicle accidents and other accidents.
- An increased risk of cardiovascular events.
- A reduction in immune function.
- A doubling of the risk of cancer.
- An alteration in gene function. If an adult is restricted to a moderate dose of sleep restriction i.e. 6 hours and compared to the same person sleeping 8 hours a change in the way the genes function( epigenetic change) can be observed in 3% of all genes. 50% of the genes were up regulated especially those genes associated with tumour production, inflammation, response to stress, and cardiovascular disease). 50% were down regulated (especially those genes associated with the immune system)
- Poor sleep is a genetically modified experiment. We worry about genetically modified food but pay no attention to lifestyle issues that modify our genes.
- A decrease motivation to be physically active. When you are physically active the amount of strength and aerobic capacity is reduced . The time to be physically exhausted is reduced. Overall a 30% reduction in physical performance.
- A reduction in leptin levels and an increase in grelin levels. (Leptin levels signal the satiety levels. When the levels are low the feeling of hunger persists. Grelin is the hunger signal. When Grelin levels are high there is less satisfaction with food leading to higher consumption. These two proteins work hand-in-hand to control calorie intake.
- There is not one mental health condition that is not associated with sleep disruption. This is a bidirectional process and in sufficient sleep causes mental health issues.
- Insufficient sleep leads to a loss of judgement, impatience and impulsiveness.
Factors which impair sleep
- Sleep aides are sedatives and sedate the brain. Sedation and losing consciousness is not the same as sleep.
- Drinking alcohol fragments the quality of sleep. Alcohol blocks REM sleep and you wake unrefreshed.
- The urge to sleep is called sleep pressure and this is due to a buildup of a protein called adenosine. Cafeine works by blocking adenosine receptors and therefore blocking the signal to sleep. 50% of caffeine is cleared from the body in about six hours that means in many people at 12 hours after a couple coffee there is still 25% of the caffeine in the body. Coffee also decreases deep sleep by about 20%.
- The THC component of marijuana may result in falling asleep faster but only for a short period of time . On the other hand it blocks REM sleep with chronic use the speed to fall asleep is less.
- The increasing insomnia parallels the increase in anxiety in the community
- There is not one mental health condition that is not associated with sleep disruption. This is a bidirectional process and in sufficient sleep causes mental health issues.
- Insufficient sleep leads to a loss of judgement, impatience and impulsiveness.