Meditation is Medicine

Meditation Melbourne

Meditation is essential for well being

The practice of meditation has moved from an essentially spiritual and religious practice to an integral part of mainstream medicine.

Scientific research demonstrates the health benefits of meditation. As the body of research on meditation has grown, it’s become evident that meditation has both strong psychological benefits but also very significant physiological benefits.

In this age of digital domination, our lives are becoming ruled by “screens” and “likes”. Just simply observing pedestrians and commuters staring at their devices, will remind you just how much our lives have changed in 10 years. Our brains are now, more than ever before, distracted by the allure of mobile phones, tablets and computers, as we seek more stimulation, more connections, more text messages. These behaviours drive neuroplasticity brain changes in unpredictable ways.


Distraction is shortening the human attention span and valued life skills, such as focused attention, are diminished. No longer is there time for reflection. We are time poor, hijacked by our devices. These behaviours generate stress and the stress is often palpable and has well recognised wide-ranging adverse biopsychosocial impacts. Stress is a major driver of chronic diseases and poor sleep.

Managing stress is the number 1 issue challenging those who have attended the Lewis Institute’s meditation-training courses over the years. We call the course More Than Meditation because our approach to meditation (of which there are many different types used for different purposes) is to distil what is most useful and immediate for people to be able to reduce stress.

At the Daniel Lewis Rheumatology Centre meditation is a prescribed “medicine”, a practice that can unleash the internal pharmacy of neuropeptides ( brain hormones) that are within all of us. It is an essential prescription.

Here are a list of articles designed to increase your knowledge and enhance your practice.

Meditating Pathways To Wellbeing : The Audio Guide